
Poem on Dalgona Coffee

Twice it had appeared on my Insta, I remember where and how

Its trending and looks delicious, I have to make it now.

Found Shivesh’s video on YouTube and hit the button Play,
With 2tbsp Sugar, take 2tbsp Coffee- they say

To get the exact result, I should stick to recipe’s measurement
Putting just half of the mentioned coffee, I thought it’s not that big an Amendment

Added little Water and the liquid was Brown and Clear
I mixed on for 2 mins but no change seemed to appear’The Secret lies in perfect proportions’ such masterchef dialogues I could hear

Still I added little more Sugar; chose Intution over Fear.

Whisked and mixed and mixed and mixed, and my arm started to Pain.
Then it thickened slightly, Yes! These efforts are not in vain.

This small success was motivating. Plus there was this strong desire to Taste.
And if I stop now, all efforts upto here would go in waste!

After an eternity of manipulation, the mix became Creamy
Post the Layering- Click- Combine ceremony, I devoured the Coffee Dreamy!

A simple cold coffee also tastes just Fine
But Dalgona taught- Transition to Great demands Effort and Time.

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